Showing posts with label Craft Fair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craft Fair. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

First Fair musings and a plea for help!

Hello to you all on this fine morning. Just a few pictures of the fair to share with you today and a few thoughts .......

I shared my stall with my good friend and was so pleased I did. We did have a very good laugh even though trade wasn't brisk. 

                                                 My part of the stall included tea and coffee cosies........

Pretty fabric tote bags.........

A selection of ipod/phone pouches......

.......and cushions and pictures.

So what did I learn...........

Postioning - I don't think our position was a bad one it's just that the layout of the stalls was not done in a way to encourage customers on a logical path which would make sure they could visit or have the opportunity to visit each stall at the fair. So next time I would definitely study the customer flow. Is that something you would normally ask?

Pricing - I seem to have got that right, although you'll always get the odd one who doesn't understand what 'unique' or 'individually hand-crafted' means.

Product - People did seem to like my stuff especially the pictures, although I was surprised I didn't sell a single ipod/phone pouch, my cheapest item, I thought this was a sure fire winner.

Promotion - The signage advertising the show locally was superb and it was a very well organised event, but a few more signs inside the show educating the customers as to what is available and where would have been beneficial. If I do an event as large as this again I might think about making my own sign.

Note to self: Don't agree to take a stall three weeks before an event when you don't actually have any stock!
I would be very interested to hear of any comments any of you more knowledgeable ladies may have regarding 'the craft fair'.

Whilst working like a dervish in the vain attempt to have something to sell at the fair I realised my handmade items were lacking a certain something - labels , you know, handmade by redneedle that sort of thing. Now  my PLEA FOR HELP is to ask my lovely blog friends if they can recommend a suitable label supplier, perhaps someone you use on a regular basis or a company you know of with a good reputation. I have had a look on-line but there are billions so I thought initially this was the best approach to find a good 'un.

Thats it now I promise I won't go on about the fair any more. Tomorrow I'd like to show you my revamped key cupboard, so pop along if you have the time to spare.