
Monday 1 August 2011

Handmade Monday - White Linen Blind

Hello lovely people! Just a real quickie today, Summer holidays are well and truly underway. Welcome, welcome dear new followers and to my lovely loyals I have not forgotten that I promised a giveaway - it's in hand, more of that later in the week.

Today, as my contribution to Handmade Monday, I can share Part 2 in 'The Great White Linen' triology, a roman blind.

Part 3 takes me a little outside of my comfort zone. The request has been for a white linen slip cover for a gorgeous old chair. Although challenging I'm very excited about this one and can't wait to get started. I'll let you know when I have something to report.

I'm lucky enough to have my lovely Mum and Dad staying with me this week so my posts may be a little shorter than usual. Hope you are all having a wonderful time. Now before you disappear make sure you pay a special visit to Wendy at 1st Unique Gifts who is hosting another Handmade Monday.

Happy Crafting!


  1. So simple yet so beautiful - great for summer.

  2. Love that blind. I also love challenges, am just in the process of completing one that has stressed me just a little bit, although I did enjoy doing it!

    I've just emailed you - am thrilled with the cushion, but more of that soon when I blog about it! x

  3. I love the clean lines and how it enhances the window... I may soon be doing a commission on curtains for my old boss... am scared big time!

  4. Hello Caroline:
    Roman blinds are such a sylishly simple way of controlling light into a room. Very much needed in Budapest where the summer sun can be very powerful and destructive to fine furnishings. Yours is lovely!

  5. I don't think I could make one, I'm sure mine would be all catiwhampus, but I love white linen and I love that sort of blind. That looks stunning. I want to take a photo of it! :)

  6. I love the simplicity of roman blinds, and they are perfect for Georgian style windows.

  7. The blind looks sumptuous, white linen is such a good choice.

    Jan x

  8. Beautiful blind - so effective and simple (looking) and that crisp white linen is classic.

    Ali x

  9. Pretty and elegant, I love it!

  10. Love the simplicity of this blind, and it looks beautifully made. Have fun with your visitors!

  11. I love roman blinds and always enjoy making them. Yours looks truly elegant tho, well done

  12. Really lovely and 'clean' looking. Perfect for summer.

  13. It is perfect Caroline. I still haven't got over the curtains either! Vx
