
Friday 24 June 2011

It's been so long........

I can't believe it's been nearly 2 weeks since my last post. Sometimes life happens leaving little time for luxuries like blog posts and that's basically my excuse. Anyway good things have been a happening during my abscence. Lovely Carol from At home in the Country has given me an award. I am now the proud recipient of the Kreativ blog award. Thank you so much Carol, although I do feel a little guilty in accepting it having neglecting my blog so badly. If you haven't visited Carol's blog make sure you do. It really is totally unique and original with the most amazing, calming sound effects and wonderful photographs. So if you've had a stressful day head on over there.

Now I understand that I have to tell you 10 things about myself which is going to be tricky as I've already recently used some on another ward, but here goes.

1. Favourite flower in the summer, Geranium. Any kind, just love their big blousy flowers and their ability to survive with little watering ( a must for me). Just a few in a terracota bowl - perfect.
2. It took me 4 attempts to pass my driving test, - just hated them, but of course it has made me a much better driver.
3. I love to scrapbook and am currently working on my second. Each has a theme, be it a family celebration, holiday, or Year in the life of..... I think they're lovely keepsakes to pass on. I would share them on my blog but as they are full of family photographs, I am reluctant to make them public.
4. My mantra "Always speak to people how you would expect to be spoken to yourself"
5. The film 'Jaws' scarred me for life. Absolutely horrified but could not stop watching. Haven't let the boys watch it.
6. I eat far too much chocolate for my own good.
7. My worst habit. Coming from 'The Potteries' I can't help looking under each piece of china that crosses my path to see where it's been made.
8. I am a firm believer in 'the power nap'. Just ten minutes shut-eye sets me up for the rest of the day (or maybe thats just because I'm getting older)
9. First thing I ever made was a dress for my Sindy doll
10. I could listen to Neil Oliver (History man from the beeb) for hours.


I now have to pass this award on to other deserving blogs. Please rest assured you are under no obligation to pass on if you do not wish to, just enjoy the fact that I love visiting your blogs and would like to recommend you to others. I have found this hard as I know lots of you have already received awards recently and as a result I've only chosen 5. So here goes....

Wendy at At Home with 1st unique gifts (for producing wonderfully painted signs and more importantly for all her hard work in hosting Handmade Monday every week)
Janet at The Empty Nest - A truely inspirational and creative blog
Nicole Mallalieu Design for their wonderful tips and tutorials for bag making
Keri at Bella Boutique for her great tutorials on sewing machine feet
The Sewing Directory for their newsworthiness in the sewing world
Vicky at Crafting Clare's Paper Moments for being a constant source of paper crafting inspiration

Well I managed 6!

This has been a very long and wordy post I promise to return with something more creative unitl then have a great weekend.


  1. Hello Caroline:
    It is always so intriguing to have little snippets into the lives of others as you have given here in your list of ten things about yourself.

    We particularly like your idea of compiling scrapbooks which then become, as you say, a wonderful record of a time, a place or, indeed, a person.

    Have a very happy and relaxing weekend.

  2. You are lovely to think of me Caroline - thank you. Vx
    Neil Oliver eh?!!

  3. I can sympathise with the driving- it took me three attempts.
    Well done for the award :)

