
Monday 27 June 2011

Handmade Monday - Finally, a new skill mastered

Good morning! First of all a massive warm welcome to a few new names on my followers list, it's lovely to have you here and I look forward to keeping up to date with what you've been up to.
I might have rather over egged the title to this post a little, but I am honestly so thrilled to have actually crocheted something. Now I know this must sound a little odd to those of you that are crochet experts and know your 'dc' from your 'tr' but for me it was quite an achievement. I can knit well but crochet has always got the better of me - not this weekend. I was really in the mood to try something new, you know how that feels don't you? The house was quiet, everyone was occupied so I seized the moment amd after much trial and error I managed to produce something that vaguely resembles a Granny Square.

Now I know I have a long way to go before I get to the standard of this lady ........                          
.......but it's a start and is a real tonic for my fidgety fingers. Does anyone else get that? I've even decided it's coming on holiday with me this year. I'd love to make a blanket but actually I can see how crochet would make lovely embellishments for projects. I'll have to get my thinking cap on.

I must give credit to this lady here for her careful guidance. 

She has a few videos on You tube but it was lessons 1 -4 'How to make a granny square', that were the most beneficial to me.Once I understood that Americans use slightly different terminology I was fine. I'd recommend her to anyone like me who has wanted to do this for so long but without much success.
I also think there's nothing quite like seeing someone doing it rather than reading it in a book.
Now I,m going to visit Wendy at At home 1st unique gifts to see what those other busy crafters have been up to make sure you do too.


  1. Well done you and not for the first time in this round of Handmade Monday comments I say "One day I *will* learn to crochet"!!!!
    I shall have to check out your link - but I think it might be one to come back to in January when I have a little spare time.

  2. Mist be crochet week as I can see a theme growing, now maybe I will have to have a go, good at doing a chain but the rest is double dutch. Well done on your first square

  3. Well done on your first granny square, the first of many I'm sure!

  4. Hello Caroline:
    It is always good to learn something new and your first square looks to be very professional to us. One square today....and what tomorrow?!!

  5. My children still have the blankets made up of granny squares that my mum made for them 30 years ago, one of them gets brought out in the winter months and is snuggled into while watching tv and another one is used for playtime and picnics in the garden. Well done.

    Jan x

  6. I'm so impressed - with getting round to learning it as much as with what you've made! Can't wait to see what this new skill will lead to! Vx

  7. My mum showed me how to crochet but I always forget and never have the patience - perhaps I will try again soon - thanks for the tips!!

  8. I've nominate you for the versatile blogger award. I just love the things you make :) see my blog for what to do with it.

  9. WOW - so envious I have wanted to learn crochet for ages, I must try harder!
    Jo x

  10. Those squares are ace! Think I have found a new thing I want to try, It will be a nice change from flowers!
    I've answered your question on my blog :)


  11. Hi Caroline!

    Impressive... thought you might like to see my attempt. It took me SIX WEEKS to make this:


  12. Well done - I'm like you were, can knit but not crochet. I've tried a couple of times, but not succeeded. Maybe with the video tutorial I'll have better luck another time. Enjoy playing hooky!

  13. Well done.Once you've done one you soon have a bagful because they become addictive!

  14. Caroline... cannot wait to see your finished blanket... couple of Monday away, eh?

  15. Hurrah, the crocheting has started - it's so addictive...I once made a blanket that grew & grew until it was about 8 feet long because I didn't want to stop in the winter - it was keeping me warm as I went and starting a new one would mean not warm legs again.

  16. I have always wanted to crochet, but never quite managed - I think I need someone to teach me!

    Pomona x

  17. Well done - it's addictive, so soon you'll never be able to leave home without a ball of wool and a crochet hook!

  18. Well done, I have just started knitting but I'm dying to try crochet, I'm just not brave enough yet! Very impressed with your efforts though!

  19. OOO maybe I could actually learn to crochet something other than a long chain! very cool!

  20. Well done on your 1st square. May they long contine. They make great decorations for cards too. Hugs Mrs A.

  21. woohoo! you've done it! well done! your 1st granny square! thanks for the link to the tute. i feel tempted to try it of myself one summer day when im on my hols :)
    keep up the good work! you're getting there!
