Monday 13 June 2011

Handmade Monday - Its Curtains for me!

Hello everyone and a very big welcome to some new friends. Hope you are enjoying the weather! I can almost hear my garden gulping down the rain. Good crafting weather though. Pouring rain means Jenny Murray, a table full of fabric and copius amounts of coffee. Having said that the sun is trying extremely hard to put in an appearance this morning.

Not a finished project this week, but the start of one. I am drowning in sumptuous quantities of white linen at the moment, about to start part one of an order for a set of curtains.

My customer wanted a crisp pleat that would hold it's shape down the length of the curtain, eventually pooling on the floor. She decided on a cartridge pleat heading which I mocked up (very roughly) for her approval.

So today I will be mostly, (fans of 'The Fast Show' will appreciate this remark), measuring and cutting and sewing up panels, Oh and of course popping over to see Wendy at 1st unique gifts to see what everyone else has been up to. Care to join me?

Thanks for calling. Have a good day.


  1. The weather is unpredictable here, rain, sunshine, black clouds or blue sky, it can't make up its mind. But as you say, good crafting weather.

    White linen is lovely, doesn't go well with coffee though :o)

    Jan x

  2. Hello Caroline:
    This looks to us to be a very ambitious project but we are sure that once started you will make light work of it. The material looks lovely and we do so like your expression of 'pooling on the floor', a style which we very much favour but one which is not everyone's cup of tea [or coffee!!].

  3. Curtains, you are very brave I find them so heavy to work with but like the look of the pleats

  4. And today I will mostly be eattin' beans. No not really - mainly cake ;)

    You are a braver person than I am. I will try hand at most sewing projects, but for some reason curtains scare the evils out of me! Good Luck!

  5. Mmmm...linen curtains. How lovely and sumptuous! Hope all goes well - I wonder if you will end up wrestling with curtains and lining all over the floor like I always seem to have to do? Look forward to seeing the results.

  6. Hi Caroline, Blogger award is great, thank you, I'll be putting on my blog this week, hopefully blogger has finished chewing up my comments and throwing them away and will now play fair. Although this morning it has already made one disappear. Fingers crossed me and computer have a better week this week. :o)

    Jan x

  7. White linen, how lovely! Would love to see a pic of the finished curtains.
    The weather has definitely improved as the day has gone on - hope the sun is showing its face over there too!
    Thanks for taking part in Handmade Monday x

  8. I am hopeless at curtains - I think I need someone to make them for me! I don't have a big enough floor space or table, which always seems an insurmountable obstacle.

    Pomona x

  9. Love white linen curtains... hope that you manage to tame the fabric, amazing how it doubles in size as you start to cut it out and then it takes on a life of its own as it tries to make a break for it. Good luck!

  10. Even here in Florida we could do with some rain. Beautiful white linen curtains. I think white linen anything is lovely. It reminds me of summer and the smell of clean laundry. :)

  11. Hi Caroline,
    Just catching up on your last few posts this evening.

    I can't imagine how you go about handling and working on all that lovely linen fabric, it seems a huge task but I am sure the curtains will be coming along well by now.

    You have done a fantastic job on the key
    cupboard in the last post.

    I have returned the compliment and given you an award over at my blog, only if you would like it.

  12. Good luck with the curtains, I'm sure they'll look lovely when their finished.

  13. And today I have mostly been running around after my 91yr old mother sorting out her shopping for her. Those curtains are looking great already. You are very brave tackling white. Hugs Mrs A.

  14. I have a love/hate thing with curtains. Loads of sewing, but loads of fabric that you never have enough space for!

  15. The curtains look lovely though I don't think I would be brave enough to attempt them myself.
    White linen also reminds me of summer and laundry on the line.

  16. This looks an amazing project! I can't wait to see the 'after' pic! Vx

  17. White linen curtains sound so fresh and elegant - good luck, but with your sewing skills it'll be a breeze I'm sure!They will look lovely.
    Thanks for all your lovely comments!
    Gill xx

  18. Hello C...thank you for the follow.
    So glad to have called by your great blog and seeing your gorgeous work.
    Will be stopping by again soon...which was nice :-)

  19. well-done, great job and great curtains. ive always admired people who could cope with sewing on a big scale, i mean, big things like curtains, clothes, blankets etc. i am myself sticking to stitching little projects only... at least for the time being until i feel more confident about managing the fabric :)
    thanks for visiting my blog :)
