Tuesday 3 May 2011

A home for an egg

Good morning everyone and thank you to all for your lovely comments on my last post. Life is going to get back to normality for a while isn't it, no more bank holidays for a bit and routine kicking in again and maybe a little more time to sew!
I've had my eye on egg cosies for a while now (as you do) and I decided to have a go at one myself, using raw edge applique to embellish and my ever trusty friend of course. My inspiration was the amazing Poppy Treffry. This was the result...

The spotlight was unintentional just simply the way the light fell at that time of day! I was pleased with the overall shape and the embellishments, but unfortunately I ran out of red gingham, which I would have used as the lining (and therefore bottom trim) as I don't think the cream works as well. I also think the trim could do with being a little less deep but that's why we try these things isn't it?  The template I made was about 14cm at it's highest point and 13cm wide. I didn't have any batting or wadding so I used curtain interlining which seemed to do the job just as well. (Oh I feel a tutorial coming on)

I've taken a few detail shots too, although I have to say I'm not that happy with the performance of my camera at the moment - my pics seem to have lost a bit of their crispness and clarity. It can't possibly be down to the fact that I am incapable of taking a decent photograph - you understand. My family already think I'm bonkers as they regularly come across me stretched in an awkward postion for the 'ultimate' shot in the best light. "But mum, it's just a cushion" I can see them thinking.

Oh well the world is my egg cosy now, so I'm off to make a few more. See you soon and have a lovely day


  1. I should be used to coming on here and being amazed by now but each time I'm speechless! I love the egg cosy (which is perfect but you are the kind of person that wants to make it even more perfect!) especially the way it says 'cosy egg'. I can't wait to see what you do next!

  2. Cute cozy! A great gift idea. I know my other half would love something like that. Well - he would if he actually spent long enough looking at the egg rather than trying to get it open.

    Fantastic idea!

  3. Hi Caroline, Ruth forwarded me your blog URL, I am Roger's cousin. Great to discover your blog -I had no idea you were so talented! I will link your blog to mine.

  4. I absolutely love the egg cosy - you are clever! And you pics are tons better than mine - I find my cheapie camera won't take decent pics inside at all.

    Pomona x

  5. The egg cosies are so pretty and fun. I could just see them on the Emporium pages of Country Living magazine! I was just thinking the same as Vicky, it becomes more obvious with each post that you are a perfectionist. The photos look just like they would in a book to me. I am so pleased you might do a tutorial for zips and piping too.

  6. That is super Caroline!
    Gill x
