
Wednesday 12 October 2011

Little bits of this and that

Do you ever feel like you are running round like a headless chicken and achieving nothing?! - well that pretty much sums up the start to my week. Being quite productive, when my girls are behaving and my supplies allow. I really must get better at realising when I am low on essentials. There is nothing more frustrating than being in full flow and having to stop because, for example, you've run out of red thread. What do you do?

Anyway all this aside I spent a lovely Saturday afernoon here.......

2nd Olney Vintage Fair

.......with my very good and equally as lovely friend. The fair in itself was a smasher but the fact that it was held in a town as gorgeous as Olney was an added bonus. Full of  'those' sorts of shops that I know you ladies love and adore and did I take my camera? ......well..... er.... no actually. But have a look at what I picked up.

Gorgeous vintage fabric that on it's own is lovely but together.....ahhhhh just lovely......

 Look at the pattern........

....and those gorgeous colours.

I have in mind some grey and white linen that will co-ordinate beautifully and at the moment I'm thinking cushions, but that may change. Oh yes and my little green jug. Can a girl ever have too many?

You may notice it's sitting on more delicious fabric!

Later on in the week I hope to have some goodies to share with you as the state of my table is proof in point.

But until then I'll wish you all a very good and productive day!



  1. Wasn't it fun! My little woolly handbag has had several outings already! I can't wait to see what you make with that gorgeous fabric - the idea of putting it with grey and white linen sounds wonderful! Vx

  2. I had to smile to myself when I saw your jug, we have one exactly the same in Daycare, been there years as far as I know, and survived.
    Love the fabric and yes, co-ordinated with a plain complimentary one could show it off beautifully, can't wait to see what you come up with.

  3. Lovely fabric! Looking forward to seeing your new goodies :) Mich

  4. sorry meant to say, I got the book for my sewing machine from that site you mentioned ty!

  5. I love Olney too. I never manage to escape from the shops there without buying something.

    Claire from HandmadebyClaireBear
