
Monday 24 October 2011

Handmade Monday - Gift box tutorial

Hello to you all. Today I've got a useful little gift box to share with you and a tutorial to boot!

You know how when you buy a small present, (I mean physically small) and you've wrapped it and it just looks well...disappointing....insignificant. This little gift box should make sure your kind thought is the 'start of the show' and will look as gorgeous as it's contents.

You will need:

A4 sheet of card
Ink pad
Fiskars Paper Cutter with scoring blade (or ruler and something blunt for scoring eg crochet hook/knitting needle)
Double sided tape or glue
Hole punch

First cut your A4 sheet to this size, 8.25" x  6.5" (21cm x 16.5cm), using either your paper cutter or ruler and scissors

Then ink up your stamp with your chosen colour and stamp away until you have covered the sheet with your design. This is the best bit!

Next turn your card round, so that it is landscape. You are going to score your sheet on the stamped side at 2" 4" 6" & 8"  or  5cm, 10cm, 15cm & 20cm.
You should have a little bit at the end left over. Thats fine you'll see what this is for later.

Can you see the score lines?
 Turn your card around so that it is portrait and score 2" (5cm) in from the long edge.

Just in case this isn't showing up on the photograph I've done one on white paper drawing in the lines. Hope this makes it clearer for you.

Now taking your scissors, you are going to start at the bottom of the long edge and cut up to the line that you have just scored, at each of your 2" (5cm) intervals. It should look like this.

Now remember the tab. Do the same cut up to the scoring line and then across to the short edge so that you have taken away a small long rectangle shape. Like this......

See the bottom right hand corner?

Now fold along all of your scoring lines. Can you see it's starting to take shape now isn't it?

Add double sided tape to the sections which will form the bottom of the box and the little tab and carefully start to join them altogether........

.......tucking the tab inside the box.

You should end up with something like this.

Not finished yet. Pinch the top together and push in the sides of the box at the same time so that you force the box into this kind of a shape.

Punch a hole through all card layers at the top edge of the box ..........

........and secure with a ribbon.

Well done - you did it!!!

I've added a little gift tag to mine which you may want to do and of course it's not just card you can use, you can also choose to make this box with some of the gorgeous papers you can find in the shops. You can make the box taller or smaller according to your needs and use it for earrings, gift cards (altho' I do use another kind of a box for those) choccies in fact anything that is small but deserving of this box.

I've posted this with Christmas in mind but of course it could be used at any time in the year. I like to make mine in batches on a cosy Winter's night with a glass of red wine in one hand and a stamp in the other!

Now before you rush off to get your gift box essentials why not pop over to see Wendy the host of Handmade Monday. She has a fabulous giveaway at the moment so make sure you check it out along with the great contributions from the Handmade Monday crafters.

I'll pop this onto the 'My Tutorials' page for ease of reference.
Good luck.


  1. What an excellent tutorial - love it. Looks beautifully easy to follow, too.

  2. Great tutorial - definitely on my list of things to try and make - even loved the suggestion of the glass of red wine!

  3. It looks so pretty and great instructions - easy to follow, many thanks. I particularly liked the guidance on wine and stamp - a very, very important part of the instructions I feel. The bags could be personalised with people's names as well as other patterns couldn't they?

  4. Ooh that's great to know. Think I'll be using that for some of my handmade gifts!

  5. Lovely tutorial, gives me an idea for hanging choccies on the Christmas Tree, now all I need is green or red card and a Christmas Tree stamp and I am halfway there.

  6. Big fat wow! I am in awe, and will absolutely save this! :)

  7. Caroline that is a fab tutorial... you're right, sometimes a gift just needs that little bit extra - this is perfect, thanks for sharing with us :) Jenny xx

  8. Caroline, this looks fab and easy. Thanks for sharing...

  9. That's such a good idea and a great tutorial, looks really smart, thanks!

  10. That's lovely - and looks very professional. Not sure mine would come out quite so well!

  11. Caroline thanks so much for this tutorial! Just perfect for giving little jewellery gifts in. (I also don't know if mine with come out quite so nice as yours) Mich x

  12. Love the gift box, so pretty thank you for sharing

  13. thta's pretty cool! Will have to give that a try

  14. I think the box is a gift in itself, never mind the contents - Lucky recipient
    Linda x

  15. Thank you for the tutorial. It gives me some idea on how to make my box.

  16. Thanks for sharing this brilliant tutorial with us.
    Hugs Mrs A.

  17. I love the box, it does add that finishing touch. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Thanks for this - lovely clear instructions and just the sort of thing to ramp up the ooohs and aaahs when gift giving!

  19. Fab bag! Thanks for the tutorial!

  20. I love that you stamped your own cardstock instead of using ready made, so much more effort but definitely worth it, it is brilliant thanks for sharing!

  21. It's a great box, I like the idea that I don't have to make a lid for it, the shape is lovely.

    Jan x

  22. I love this tutorial, I was thinking of making something similar but hadn't quite got around to working out the practicalities of how to put it together. Now I don't need to think about making a little bag at all. Thanks for saving me time and brain ache.
    Claire from
