
Monday 15 August 2011

Handmade Monday - Tea Cosy

Good morning everyone and hello and a warm welcome to one or two new followers. This week for Wendy's Handmade Monday I'm afraid I've gone in for a bit of shameless self promotion. My offering is a custom made item I did for a lovely lady this week who loved a particular design but wanted to choose her own wording - no problem.

"Oh what a lovely cup of tea"
 This got me thinking, maybe I should be pushing this as a service to all my customers, says she like a seasoned business professional....not! I'm dipping my toe into Etsy and Folksy where suddenly I seem to be getting noticed, and this is great but from comments left last week, I realise that not all of you were aware I even had an online shop!

This brings me to ASSUME....... (bear with me)

Many moons ago as a green graduate trying to find my way in life, I found myself on yet another sales course, with my eyes glazing over, then the trainer said "Never assume anything because it makes an ASS out of U and ME" tittering at his own joke,  I just yawned at another sales mnenomic but now I get what he meant. You have to tell people about things otherwise how are they going to know! So everyone please feel free to visit my shops on Folksy or Etsy by clicking on my sidebar buttons. I'll be happy to help you.

There I feel better now I've got that out of my system.

I'll miss Handmade Monday for the next couple of weeks as I'll be away but will try to dip in and say hello if I manage to spy anywhere with internet access.

Finally, thankyou to Arbee Cards for featuring one of my needlecases in their Folksy Friday feature. They make the most wonderful vintage inspired cards for all occasions.
Oh yes nearly forgot, if you haven't done so already do pop over to my giveaway and see what goodies are on offer.


  1. I have been to have a look at your shops and strongly recommend others to do so :)

    I think it is a really English issue NOT to self promote - in my mind I can hear my mother telling me, "I am getting too big for my own boots." However, there really is nothing wrong with it especially when you have such great products. So go for it Caroline!

  2. What a lovely tea cosy, it's good that people still make such traditional items.

  3. Yes you do have to self-promote. There are so many people selling their handmade goodies and if you don't let people know that you have a shop, you'll struggle to be found.

    Your sewing is lovely - very much Poppy Treffry style - something I like very much.

  4. I agree Ros think we were drilled that not good to boast but in business we have to try very hard to ignore that voice and promote, promote, promote.

    I love bespoke orders too, can be so different and interesting to see what others envisage

  5. I agree - it's hard to blow your own trumpet but you really have to sometimes when you're trying to sell!
    There are so many places to get found online but blogging is *really* useful and some posts will be picked up by Google for keywords - so it's not just your regular readers you're talking to in your blog.
    Your work is too fabulous not to be found - you have a very "now" style and it's well-made too. I really need to get onto Folksy and leave youe some feedback. x

  6. Bespoke order is a great idea. I love the teapot cover. Very cute. Have a fab time away!

  7. Aha! Have left feedback, sorry I didn't do that earlier! x

  8. Great blog post. Very much in the same boat as me at the moment. I can promote anything else - but am useless at doing my own! Found you, and now following from Handmade Monday link.

  9. Lovely tea cosy makes me wish I drank tea so would have some use for one. I think the personalization is a great idea.
    I too have found self promo hard but I was told to look at it differently. You are doing people a favour by letting them know you can make the things that they want.
    I have been looking everywhere for a practical but pretty bag to put on my wheelchair and I think you may be able to help. I'll contact you through your shop.

  10. This is so cute! I love a tea cosy!

  11. Great Tea Cosy, and good idea to customise. I agree I find promoting really difficult, so just try join in were I can so I am not alone in doing so, hence my joining the handmade monday today, which I am really glad I did, I have found so many new blogs out there, most of my followers were just from folksy been nice to meet other crafters.


  12. The tea cosy is lovely and you'll definitely hqve a lot of intersest if you personalise things!
    Did not know you had a folksy shop, will have to have a peek!

  13. The tea cosy is great and I think people always like items that can be personalised :)

  14. I love the little cosy's, I don't drink tea as often as I should, but when I make a pot it sure does get cold too fast. This is so cute.

  15. Most of the items I do are personalised and I love the fact that I can offer a bespoke item. Your wonderful items will work well personalised, the tea cosy is great.

    Jan x

  16. Lovely teacosy - I would be afraid to use it in case I spilt tea over it! Thank-you for your words of advice as well.
    Jo x

  17. Hi Caroline,
    Whilst I did know of etsy, I hadn't heard of folksy so will enjoy having a look at that, I am glad you mentioned it.
    Your tea cosy is gorgeous and I think it's a brilliant idea to offer a bespoke embroidery service, the possibilities must be endless!
    You brought back memories for me too, my godmother used to have the old lady and old man balloon sellers.x

  18. Phew, I was worried last week that I was silly writing that comment, but clearly I wasn't the only one who had missed you opening a shop.
    Keep promoting, you've got lovely things for sale!

  19. Yes I certainly have a lot to thank you for drawing that to my attention x

  20. It's a lovely tea cosy - I know the key to success is self promotion when you are self employed, but I find that really difficult, too!

    Pomona x
