
Saturday 30 April 2011

Last mention about the Royal Wedding - I promise!

Well didn't she look utterly stunning?! The whole thing was just so perfect and brought a tear to my eye. As far as the redneedle celebrations went,  you'll be pleased to hear that the rain held off until just after we'd finished our desserts and then a downpour drove us all inside. A good time was had by all, I was so busy getting everything organised I didn't take many  pics. But I have recorded a few glimpses of the day.

My bunting!

I was thrilled to receive a special mention on Clootielugs blog as part of her Folksy Friday with a Royal Wedding theme, why not check it out she has some lovely things listed on her blog as well as her own pretty designs.

My napkins! Nothing vintage about these but couldn't resist when I saw them in Tescos

My meal! Actually had a Spanish theme (chosen and cooked by husband) which I know is not that patriotic but it tasted yummy.

My cakes! Am now a dab hand with a piping nozzle (Well maybe not)

My Thank you card! Just take a look at this. Isn't it gorgeous? Given to me by my lovely friend I did tell her that if this print was available as a fabric I'd buy metres of the stuff.

 The children (all boys!) had a great time building dens, playing soldiers, gaming....., the men were amazed at just how long we could keep a conversation going about one dress (but what a dress) and the ladies had a good old laugh and a natter, perfect day really. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves I've already had a sneaky peek at what some of you were up to, I think everyone entered into the spirit if it all didn't they? Right well must go, got to start planning for a Diamond Jubilee.


  1. Your bunting is fabulous Caroline - the picture doesn't do it justice! What a lovely day - the food may not have been British but it certainly was delicious! And there could be nothing more British than the thunderstorm (although it conveniently stayed dry until after lunch, forcing us to go inside for coffee and view the dress again!) Thanks for the link Caroline. Vx

  2. It was a beautiful dress and worth talking about! You look like you had a lovely day....I must admit I kept my paper plate.... It will be vintage one day!
    Sophie xx
